My top 8 nutrients for mental well-being

Often our brain is referred to as a muscle, but is not a muscle at all!

This 3-pound organ is the most complex organ within the human body.

The brain contains 80 billion neurons, hormones, neurotransmitters, blood vessels, & capillaries. If it was not crowded enough in your head, the brain houses special cells (glial cells) that connect and communicate every feeling, emotion, action, and sensation within our body.



Research is constantly changing, and we are learning so much on the interconnection between Food and Mental Health. The brain is one of the most complex organs in our body. It consumes over 20% of what you eat.

Critical neurotransmitters need specific amino acids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats to thrive.

What YOU EAT and YOUR brain’s wellness ARE interconnected, which means your brain is made of the food you feed it. For example:

  • Your glial cells need Omega 3’s.

  • Zinc & Selenium both are used as building blocks to synthesize key neurotransmitters in the brain.

  • Brain Hormones & Chemicals need iron and folate to balance mood, and without Vitamin B’s nerve pulse communication for mood, cognition is impaired.

The following includes 8 Vital Nutrients for mental well-being.

I have included food sources for each nutrient for you.

Pro tip: try adding a few to your plate throughout the week, and see how you feel!

OMEGA 3 Fatty Acids

Food Sources: Flaxseeds, Walnuts, Sardines, Anchovies, Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Beef, Shrimp, Tofu, Cauliflower, Raspberries

Vital For:

  • Stimulates the Brain to Produce more Nerve Growth Factors

  • Promote Neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt, grow, and change).

  • Regulate and reduce brain inflammation

  • Plays a Vital Role in Brain Synaptic Function

  • Lack of Omega 3’s is associated with Anxiety, Depression, & a host of other Brain Disorders


Food Sources: Wild Salmon, Dairy & Eggs, Beef Liver, Beans & Lentils, All Seafood, Yogurt, Mushrooms, Nuts & Seeds, Barley & Brown Rice

Vital For:

  • Fights Inflammation

  • Reduces Homocysteine

  • Tryptophan Production

  • Role in Nervous System Production

  • Makes Neurotransmitters like Serotonin & Norepinephrine (=influence mood)

  • Role in Creating Melatonin for sleep which directly impacts Brain Health

  • Producing insulation that wraps brain cells to protect them

  • B12, along with DNA Controls Brain Shrinkage with Age

  • Makes Mood-Regulating Modules


Food Sources: Papaya, All Citrus, All Berries, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Kiwi, Cantaloupe, Turnip, Beet Greens, Bok Choy

Vital For:

  • Managing Stress (our body does not store Vitamin C, & rapidly uses it at times of stress and anxiety)

  • Concentrated in the CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) surrounding the Brain for Protection

  • A major antioxidant to Fight Free Radical Damage in the Brain

  • Co-Factor in many biochemical reactions in the body


Food Sources: Quinoa, Pumpkin Seeds, Summer Squash, Soybeans, Brown Rice, Oats, Tofu, Black Beans, Cashews, Barley

Vital For:

  • Production of DNA Responsible for over 500 Metabolic Reactions

  • The elasticity of the Brain

  • Known as the “anti-stress” mineral

  • Maintains Nervous System Balance.

  • Depression Connection. Research shows low levels of Magnesium in those with diagnosed Depression.


Food Sources: Salmon, Cod Liver Oil, Egg Yolks, Tuna, Beef Liver, Pork, Mushrooms, Shrimp, & Safe Sun Exposure

Vital For:

  • Vitamin D Deficiency has been associated with Anxiety, Depression, and Fibromyalgia.

  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in eggs, fatty fish, & cod liver oil.

  • Your body also makes its own Vitamin D with safe exposure to the sun.

  • For those that are plant-based and live in locations that have limited sunlight supplementation is very beneficial. If you would like any recommendations on great absorbable vitamin D supplementation, I would be happy to send you a recommendation or you can check out my Fullscript Dispensary Here.


Food Sources: Pumpkin Seeds, Oysters, Asparagus, Lentils, Cashews, Avocado, Chicken, Chickpeas, Dark Chocolate, Turkey, Quinoa, Steak, Yogurt

Vital For:

  • Cellular Processes

  • Immune Function

  • Inflammation Response

  • Crucial for Neurotransmitters like Glutamate and Serotonin

  • Low Levels of Zinc have been associated with Increased Risks of Depression & Anxiety


Food Sources: Dark Chocolate, Pumpkin Seeds, Red Meat, Cooked Spinach/Swiss Chard, Sesame Seeds, Oysters, Turmeric, Parsley, Pinto Beans, Leeks

Vital For:

  • Forming Hemoglobin to transport Oxygen into your Brain

  • A Key Role in the Development & Management of Anxiety & Depression

  • Creation of Dopamine & Serotonin (regulates mood, pleasure, joy, and focus)


Food Sources: Mushrooms, Lobster, Shrimp, Tuna, Halibut, Brazil Nuts, Asparagus, Turkey, Chicken, Tofu, Flaxseeds, Cow’s milk

Vital For:

  • Reducing Brain Inflammation from Free Radical Damage

  • Protection from Oxidative Damage

  • Reproduction & DNA Synthesis

  • Glutathione Production for the Brain replies on Selenium

  • Transforming a Less Active Thyroid Hormone T4 into active T3. Anxiety & Depression are correlated with Low Thyroid

if you’re interested in diving deeper, let’s book a free 15-minute discovery call so we can discuss how i can help you nourish your way to better mental well-being, and more!


My Personal Journey To Better Health


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