What is empowered eating?

Do you understand your body’s signals for when it’s hungry, full, and satisfied? Or when it needs movement and rest? Imagine a life where you are guided by these signals—your body’s internal wisdom—and you respond by eating and moving in ways that feel good. Self-care is full of non-judgment, self-compassion, and free from dieting and strict rules. Meet EMPOWERED Eating—a framework that can help you discover body trust and food freedom!

We can learn so much from our children. Kids have this innate ability to trust their bodies - especially in their younger toddler years. They know when they’re hungry. They know when they’re full. Somewhere along the way this beautiful intuition is lost. We are told:

“Just a few more bites.”

“Finish what’s on your plate, then you can have dessert.”

Teaching our kids to finish what’s on their plate or always rewarding a finished meal with dessert, is a contributing factor to this innate wisdom being quieted. Along with all the other toxic diet narratives out there!

Empowered Eating is an evidence-based approach to pursuing health and well-being. It encourages a practice to develop trust with your body, which in turn can heal your relationship with food, mind, and body. This approach takes the focus off of weight and instead promotes a safe space to explore and honor physical and mental health without the scale.

Empowered Eating has been shown to:

  • Foster body appreciation

  • Improve mental well-being

  • Increase motivation for movement

  • Increase intake of nutrient dense foods

  • Naturally promotes healthier cravings

  • Improve overall health and longevity

  • Decrease binge eating

  • Improve mind-body connection

Why Choose Empowered Eating?

If you’ve ever been on a weight loss program or diet, you might be familiar with the effects of rigid rules and restrictions. Likely, there is guilt and shame surrounding eating. This cycle leads to mistrusting the body, a negative body image, and a poor relationship with food. Different diets come with different rules, which produce a lot of confusion and conflict surrounding what to eat and what to avoid. Exercise may feel like something you have to do instead of something you choose to do and enjoy doing. Empowered Eating offers a way to ditch the diets, the restriction, the shame, and find an authentic way of honoring your health.

How Does Empowered Eating Work?

Empowered Eating is a practice, not a destination. It is based on 8 principles that help guide you to trust your body. Moving you away from dieting, restriction, and rigid rules.

The Eight Principles of Empowered Eating:

  1. Reject the diet/restriction mentality

  2. Honor your hunger and health with nutrition

  3. Make peace with food

  4. Eat With Intention, Slowly

  5. Feel your fullness

  6. Honor your emotions with kindness

  7. Respect your body, and its innate wisdom

  8. Move because you CAN, not because you have to

Every body is different and has unique needs.

Find out what Empowered Eating looks like for you.

Book a FREE 15-minute discovery call today to see if we are a right fit!


My top 8 nutrients for mental well-being