Gain food freedom through

Empowered Eating

My Approach To Support Your Wellness Journey:

FAD Diets and Yo-Yo dieting, are a thing of the past.

Here we focus on YOU, and what YOUR body needs. As a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, my approach to Wellness is to celebrate the things that make you unique, and use them to create a customized nutrition and lifestyle plan that will seamlessly fit into your busy life.

Nutrition is so much more than just calories in vs calories out. And what works for some, does not work for all. We all have different goals, likes, dislikes, and lifestyles. So let’s celebrate your uniqueness, and collaborate to create a plan specific to YOU.

I’m here to show you that you CAN Flourish, from the Inside out!

Nourish Your Hormones. Repair Your Digestion. Reduce Stress. Restore Your Mental Well-Being. Build Resilience through the crazy. Create Sustainable Lifestyle through Empowered Eating.

"Balance" isn't always feasible - but building resilience helps you manage the unavoidable stress that life throws at you.

Our bodies have an innate ability to restore, repair and return to homeostasis. We just need to create the optimal environment.

I’m here to show you this is possible, and provide simple solutions that fit into your daily life so that they become habits over time.

Let’s Flourish!

“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.”

— Katie Reed


We are educated professionals who help individuals understand the benefits of natural nutrition by combining modern science with the “time-tested wisdom,” that has shown that every individual has their own unique nutritional needs.

Our approach includes mind-body-spirit connections and understands that these three areas are essential to properly address ones overall wellness.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."

- Hippocrates

  • Weight Management

  • Energy Levels

  • Gut Health/IBS/Crohn’s/Colitis

  • Peri-Menopause/Menopause


  • Hormone Harmony & Understanding the Power of your cycle

  • Aging For Longevity & Health

  • Allergies/Sensitivities

  • Libido/Sexual Function

  • Picky Eaters/Kids Health

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Immune Health

here are a few other areas holistic nutrition & lifestyle can help with:

  • Mental Well-being

  • Thyroid Health

  • Blood Sugar Stability

  • Food Empowerment & Relationships for Eating with Ease

  • Getting rid of that diet mentality for good

  • Heart Health

  • Bone & Joint Health

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Skin Health


WHAT can you help me with?

Holistic Nutritional Consultant professionals, typically evaluate their clients’ nutritional needs by identifying symptoms that indicate health imbalances. They then provide individualized health plans, which include nutrient-dense whole foods, lifestyle recommendations and/or natural source supplements in order to help bring the client’s health back to a state of equilibrium. They assess their clients’ health through one-on-one consultations and focused questionnaires, and then provide health and lifestyle recommendations that are tailored to the individual’s needs.

-CSNN, The Role of CSNN Grads in Health Care

WHAT are you specialized in as a certified holistic nurtitional consultant?

Holistic Nutritional Consultants are:

“educators in wellness and prevention. Their comprehensive training focuses on science, body functions and symptoms, whole foods and quality food production and processes, natural source supplements, healthy lifestyle practices, and the connections between the body, mind and spirit.”

“educated on the functions of the digestive, immune and other whole-body systems. They are trained to recognize food intolerance and allergies, blood sugar fluctuations, and the multiple causes of inflammation, which are the source of many common health conditions.”

-CSNN, The Role of CSNN Grads in Health Care

How Are You Different From A Dietician?


1:1 Custom Coaching

If you are tired of trendy diets that don’t work and are not sustainable, and are ready for real change?!

Then my Custom 1:1 coaching packages are right for you to feel your best.

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Speaking & Education

Are you looking for a nutrition & well-being speaker for corporate wellness, events, workshops, retreats, school settings, and more? Let’s connect to tailor a presentation that meets your needs.

Learn more


Stay Connected to the upcoming events in the areas of cooking, fitness classes, garden workshops, meal prep, and networking. Click the link below to check out what is new.

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The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Alona Gagne, Flourish Wellness Co.

Please note that Alona Gagne, Flourish Wellness Co. is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.