hi, I’m Alona!

Here’s a little bit about me:

Firstly, I am a MOM. I have TWO great kiddos, whom are very close in age! Motherhood is no joke. It has been the hardest, yet most rewarding job I have ever had the privilege to experience. It has taught me strength, patience, the most amazing unconditional LOVE…AND a stress like no other. LOL

I was thrown into the role of MAMA, with a child born with complex medical needs. I learned very quickly, that I needed to be an advocate for my daughter’s health, needed to ask questions, push for answers, and constantly fight to be heard. She is alive today because of western medicine, but THRIVING today because of the work we have done as a family through holistic alternatives, which has helped her overcome illness and FLOURISH!

I understand all too well, what it’s like to feel lost in the medical system, how it feels to not be heard, or taken seriously. I truly believe there is a place for both worlds to work together, and collaboratively create a plan to help you achieve better health. I am deeply passionate about making sure YOU feel heard, seen, and understood along your journey.

For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with my relationship with food. I have followed countless fad diets, which left me nutritionally depleted, threw my hormones into chaos, and taught me ZERO about sustainability. Through personal and professional experience, I helped myself and many other women find their way out of the dark hopeless space of restrictive eating, binging, and low self-esteem. This journey didn’t happen overnight. Progress and habits take time to build. Through these small steps and habits, it has created a sustainable way of life that has helped me shed over 75lbs of weight and feel better than ever. I was able to find a LOVE for movement, a non-judgment community, and am so blessed to be able to help others find JOY in moving and nourishing their OWN body.

I originally went to school to be a paramedic, which was an exhilarating job in my early twenties. But I soon began to realize, that my passion for helping others would be better suited in a proactive approach to health rather than a reactive approach.

Much like many of you, I am no stranger to stress. Chronic stress, has unfortunately been my way of life for the past decade. Just to name a few of the major life stress events I’ve been through:

  • Getting hit by an impaired driver on the way to work on the ambulance, and having to pivot my career from health care into a safety role in the oilfield.

  • Becoming a parent to a child with complex medical needs. And all the WORRY, hospital admissions, ER visits, tests, pokes, MRI’s, surgeries, diagnosis’, etc. that come with it.

  • Divorce and all the chaos that accompanies such a major life transition.

This experience, along with my own personal health journey is the reason why I went back to school and became a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and Fitness Coach - to empower others to thrive and flourish in their own lives.

I’m deeply passionate at working collaboratively with people to create a customized nutrition and lifestyle plan that can seamlessly fit into the most chaotic lives.

Book your free 15 min consult today.

Look forward to working with you on mastering the chaos!


Science tells us what nutrients directly impact all the different systems and organs working in the body.  So by determining the underlying cause to your symptoms, we can use natural nutrition and sustainable lifestyle habits to restore energy, fix hormone health, regain mental well-being, aid in digestion, and teach empowered eating. This will ultimately help you flourish in your everyday life.


  • Getting to the Root Cause of Your Gut issues, and Relieve Gas and Bloating

  • Get Your Energy Back

  • Regulate your Stress Response

  • Improve Hormone Vitality

  • Attain Deep Restorative Sleep

  • Crush Stress & Anxiety

  • How Cycle Syncing Food, Movement, & Lifestyle habits can Help you Flourish in your Everyday Life

  • Establish a Positive Relationship with Food and Body

  • Create Ease in the “What’s for dinner?”

  • Build Resilience within your Mind & Body through the Chaos

  • Intentional Nutrition for a Healthy & Happy Brain

  • Master Food Freedom

  • Finally, Ditch the Diet Rollercoaster and Feel Confident in knowing how to Feed your Body to Feel its Best

education & credentials

Alona Gagne
Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, Fitness Coach



Natural Nutrition Diploma w/Enhanced Clinical Studies, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN)

Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, NNCP

Canadian Association of Natural Nutrition Practitioners, CANNP


Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN)


AFLCA Fitness Alberta, CYCLE BAR Global


Emergency Medical Technician, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)


CSNAA, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Alumni Association

CANNP, Canadian Association of Natural Nutrition Practitioners

ACP, Alberta College of Paramedics (retired)

If you’ve made it this far…

thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to get to know me a little bit more.

I hope it helped you realize that you are not alone in your wellness journey.

I look forward to supporting you on your journey to better health.

Below are a few different ways, we can work together!


1:1 Custom Coaching

If you are tired of trendy diets that don’t work, aren’t sustainable, AND are ready for real change?!

Then my Custom 1:1 coaching packages are right for you to feel your best.

Learn more

Speaking & Education

Are you looking for a nutrition & well-being speaker for corporate wellness, events, workshops, retreats, school settings, and more? Let’s connect to tailor a presentation that meets your needs.

Learn more


Stay Connected to the upcoming events in the areas of cooking, fitness classes, garden workshops, meal prep, and networking. Click the link below to check out what is new.

Learn more


The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Alona Gagne, Flourish Wellness Co.

Please note that Alona Gagne, Flourish Wellness Co. is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.